2014 Where Did You Go?

2014 was another great year for me personally and professionally! In the everyday grind of life I totally overlooked keeping the blog updated. Big apologies on my part. I was fortunate enough to do dj a few really cool events in 2014 and I’m super thankful if you hired me, recommended me, or partied with […]

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Fam @ Von – Now Every Other Thursday

I will now be playing at Von every other Thursday, rotating with DJs Myles & Lindsey. If your looking for a cool spot to hang at with some dope music you know where to go! No guestlist, no dress code, no bullshit. Come!

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Party: The Rub (Housewarming Party)

I have the pleasure of playing the Rub’s housewarming party this weekend. For anyone that’s ever been to the Rub you know how special this party is. It was recently moved due to the closing of their previous home, Southpaw. It’s been a while since the last one so I’m sure people will be out […]

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