sure shot dj

2014 was another great year for me personally and professionally! In the everyday grind of life I totally overlooked keeping the blog updated. Big apologies on my part. I was fortunate enough to do dj a few really cool events in 2014 and I’m super thankful if you hired me, recommended me, or partied with me!

A few of the past events I DJed in 2014 included the Jordan 29 press launch, the X-Men Days Of Future Past premier, a community event for Derek Jeter by Jordan Brand, and multiple Macy’s in stores.

dj nike jordan new york
at Jordan Brand Derek Jeter Event
DJ Sure shot NY Events
at Jordan Brand Derek Jeter event
DJ Movie Premier New York
DJ’ing at X-Men: Days of Future Past Party

I also did a number of weddings from as far away as Los Angeles to upstate New York, and private events for multiple clients including the Brooklyn District Attorneys Office. All the while I held down a weekly Friday night residency at popular Brooklyn beer garden Franklin Park and made appearances and DJ’ed guest sets at many parties in the city.

I can only hope to have as much success in 2015 as I did in 2014 and I promise to keep the blog updated along the way!
